ARTER Catering service s.r.o.

ARTER - CATERING SERVICE s.r.o. provides school catering facilities on the basis of the "Concession for catering in the town of Říčany" central catering system in the following facilities:

Elementary School at Říčanského les, Sokolská facility, Elementary School Masarykovo náměstí, Elementary School Bezručova 1. Elementary School Nerudova, Elementary School Sulice, Elementary School Mnichovice, Elementary School Struhařov, Elementary School Šimanovského, Kindergarten Zahrádka - Říčany, Kindergarten - Ondřejov, Kindergarten Pohádka - Březí, Kindergarten Sluníčko - Sulice, Kindergarten Pampeliška - Sulice, MŠ Zvánovice, MŠ Kuřátko - Kuří, MŠ - Doubek, MŠ Větrník - Říčany, DPS Senior - Říčany, Nursing Service - Říčany, Stacionář Olga - Říčany, Municipal Office - Sulice, MŠ - Nupaky.

The production process, including central dispatching, is carried out in a modern catering operation, which is part of the Elementary School at Říčany Forest.

The superior technical equipment of this operation allows the production of not only ready meals, but also chilled and frozen food, including the system of packaging in sealed single-serving containers, tablet system, or dispatch in thermo-ships.

Currently, we prepare 3 types of main meals, 1 type of soup, vegetable salads, 5 types of drinks and dessert. We also prepare morning snacks for the pupils of the primary school at Říčanský les and snacks for the kindergarten.